Election Campaign

The NLRB Election Campaign Program is designed to be shown during employee informational meetings. Each DVD explores an essential issue regarding union representation and its impact on your workforce.

LRI videos are uniquely persuasive at turning around employee opinion. Current and former union members, ex-union officials, and even former organizers speak candidly of their disappointments. Additionally, factual video communication is consistent and legal proof of what is said during employee meetings, giving protection from baseless union allegations. Video also reduces the campaign learning curve so your team can concentrate on communicating a positive vision to employees. Access full Previews of Election Campaign Videos now with password or call 800-888-9115, M-F 8am-5pm Central Time for more information. Click here for SPANISH language videos.

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The Union Battleground (TRT 19:32)

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The Union Gamble (TRT 18:59)

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Your Job On The Line (TRT 20:01)

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Your Decision, Your Future (TRT 17:17)

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Who’s In Control? (TRT 17:26)

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Winner’s Plus Package

All you need to win your union election. Our comprehensive video-based program(all 5 titles above plus a bonus Organizer Interview DVD) plus one day of on-site installation training from an LRI-certified campaign consultant (travel expenses extra). You also receive our Supervisory and Management Training Program; Total Victory! and Union-specific Campaign Logistical Material. Spanish addendum also available.

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Winner’s Package

Identical to the Winner’s Plus Package except that you install the package yourself (no on-site consulting). Our comprehensive video-based program(all 5 titles above plus a bonus Organizer Interview DVD) plus our Supervisory and Management Training Program; Total Victory! and Union-specific Campaign Logistical Material. Spanish addendum also available.

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